![Christmas-Cheer People Getting Coffee at the Cafe](https://valleyforgebaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Christmas-Cheer.jpg)
Christmas Cheer is our annual initiative to share God’s love with our VFB church family through financial assistance, or some gift cards to help with the Holiday season. There are three ways that you can get involved: give financially toward the needs of others, provide a much needed gift card to help out this season or provide a widow with a poinsettia.
Cut off for all donations is December 19th so please sign up today!
1. Give Finances
Donations of any amount are appreciated. Funds donated will go towards the financial needs of nominated families within VFB.
2. Donate Gift Cards
We accept any gift cards to give to nominated families within VFB. Please place in a Christmas Cheer envelope and put in the offering box OR drop off at the church office.
3. Poinsettias for widows
If you would like to be a blessing to a widow this Christmas you can give $50 towards buying a Poinsettia for them.