Forge Missions

Missions is the very heartbeat of our church. God entrusted us with the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to all the nations of the world.  As members of God’s church, we all have roles to play in the work of global missions.

Vanuatu Elder Portrait
Preaching on the Missions Field
Pickup Truck filled with kids from Vanuatu

Forge Missions

Missions is the very heartbeat of our church. God entrusted us with the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to all the nations of the world.  As members of God’s church, we all have roles to play in the work of global missions.

Impact Conference Logo

It’s hard to sum up what you’ll experience at an Impact Missions Conference, but here is just a taste of what to expect – dynamic speakers, powerful worship through music, unified outreach to the local community, and an open mic to just scratch the surface.

Our Missionaries

Josphat & Emily Yego Missionary Card

Josphat & Emily Yego

Jim & Sylvia Campana Missionary Card

Jim & Sylvia Campana

Jim & Terry Bracelin Missionary Card

Jim & Terry Bracelin

Jeremy & Liz Pinero Missionary Card

Jeremy & Liz Pinero

Brandon & Ilene Joyner Missionary Card

Brandon & Ilene Joyner

Jake & Amanda Gerasimof Missionary Card

Jake & Amanda Gerasimof

Matt & Amanda Manney Missionary Card

Matt & Amanda Manney

Supported Missionaries

Your Title Goes Here
North America

CANADA – Kevin & Grace Balingit, Bruno & Pascalle Bourgeois, Joel & Holly Buckingham, Faithway Baptist College, Jean-Philippe & Anne-Marie Fillion, Rick & Karin Goette, Daniel & Sarah Jenkins, Nate & Christy Minion, Jonathan & Angela Oehlert, Michel & Ruth Poirier, Steven & Laura Pratt, Jeff & Jayne Reason, Jeremy & Jenna Ring, Jean & Sherley Rousseau, Phil & Susan Smith, Corey & Cora Wilcher

MEXICO – Jim & Sylvia Campana, Elaine Jones, Gavino & Mariana Hernandez, Josh & Katye Magner, Esteban & Alejandra Marquez, Luis & Magdalena Montano, Josue & Rebekah Ortiz, Jorge & Aimee Rodriguez, Ron Winter

USA – Advance USA, Baptist Church Planting Ministries, Tony & Dawn Barbosa, Jim & Terry Bracelin, Arza & Ruth Brown, Austin & Jessica Brown, Andrew & Sarah Bunnell, James & Linda Butler, Cornerstone Prison Ministry, Conference On Evangelizing Black America, Bob & Annette Creel, Matt & Colleen Dundon, Freedom That Lasts,  René & Freda Freret, Anthony & Brenda Garris, Jake & Amanda Gerasimof, David & Glorianne Gibbs, Tony & Dawn Hess, Raleigh & Cassie Hill, Dan & Sherry Hyden, David & Annemarie Iseminger, Leland & Naomi Johnson, Ryan & Kim Jones, Brandon & Ilene Joyner, Greg & Peggy Joyner,  Anthony & Angela King, Nathan & Jewell Leierer, Matt & Amanda Manney, Jimmy & Tracy McGaha, Jan & Deborah Milton, John & Mary Ramsey, Jason & Mary Ritchie, Adam & Rebekah Shedal, Allen Snare,  Dave & Barb Snyder, Rafael & Cara Soto, Nick & Lindsey Stelzig, Nicole Stong, Don Sunshine Ministries, Adam & Tina Taitano, Rusty & Cassandra VanDonkelaar, West Coast Baptist College, Ernie & Nancy Wyrick

South America

ARGENTINA – Benjamin & Bernice George, Joe & Gail Owens

BOLIVIA – Jacob & Shera McKinney, Jake & Sharon Wiebe

BRAZIL – Tatiana Cordeiro, Jed & Gloria Duarte, Beca Pape

CHILE – Jared & Naldy Park, Nate & Christine Saint, Jon & Olivia Solomon, Joe & Hallie Taylor

COLUMBIA – Peter & Elisabeth Putney

ECUADOR – Mark & Ashley Ackeret, Richard & Anna Hurst, John & Ronda Lennon, Keith & Mandy Morris, Chris & Leah Thompson, Ken & Heather Wheelock

PARAGUAY – Brian & Jackie McCobb

PERU – Rick Anderson, Raymond & Anita Bradley, Josh & Allie Miller, Enoc & Hilda Principe, Patrick & Teresa Pruett, Stan & Ruth Templeton

URUGUAY – Bob & Nadia Vallette

VENEZUELA – Daniel & Lucy Arce, Nathan & Marllorys Arce

Central America & Carribbean

BELIZE – Dan & Tracy Dinsmore, John & Robin Harris

COSTA RICA – Jeremy & Michelle Blanz

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Erik & Holly Johnson, Matt & Flor Patton, Jeffri & Pam Polanco

EL SALVADOR – Cesar & Christine Cerna, Adam & Esther Fridenstine

GRENADA – Coco Chan, Joseph & Donna Childers

HAITI – Good Shepherd Ministries

HONDURAS – Matt & Dallita Goins, Mark & Brenda Liedtke, Nate & Cori Mortenson, Evan & Maria Williams

NICARAGUA – Daniel & Janet Berdine, Ricardo & Angela Portillo, Project 14

PANAMA – Zach & Maria Viola

PUERTO RICO – Calvary Baptist Bible College, Jake & Elizabeth Delich, Jeremy & Laura Markle

TURKS & CAICOS – Paul & Amy Valles


ALBANIA – David & Kristi Hosaflook

AUSTRIA – Stan & Grace Shelton

BULGARIA – Dan & Angie Schiffbauer


DENMARKMika & Fabi Kaltoft

ENGLAND – Joshua & Melissa Booth, Russ & Faye Ivison

FINLAND – Andrew & Nicole Wippler

FRANCE – Michael & Jessica Dunlop, Kyle & Abigail Guins

GEORGIABruce Tuttle

GERMANY – Daniel & Jennifer Arnold, Dan & Tricia Dubbe, Keith & Julia Klaus, Rusty & Karen Pilalas, Jon & Lena Stover, Andrew & Ramona Wilson

NETHERLANDS Stan & Brenda Kamps

NORTHERN IRELAND – Josh & Bethany Furan

NORWAY Bill Hansen

PORTUGAL – Billy & Mary Marks, Lionel & Carol Martin

ROMANIA – Nicole Condra, Ben & Marie Muldoon, Tim & Debra Tyler, Olivia West

SCOTLAND – Rick & Sarah Demastus, Dennis & May Snelson

SPAIN – David & Raquel Bonikowsky, Justin & Grace Hayes

UKRAINE – Mark & Donna Kuenzi

Australia & Pacific Islands

AUSTRALIA – Jeremy & Liz Pinero

FIJI ISLANDS – Joshua & Frances Daku, Paul (Sr.) & Martha Daku, Scott & Katie Daku

KIRIBATI – Joel & Brooke Daku

MICRONESIA – Joshua & Sarah Wagar

NEW ZEALAND – Jerry & Dawn Judd, Jeff & Debby Williams

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Justin & Kayleigh Dye, Tim & Leandra Hawes

PHILIPPINES – Christopher & Ivy Hurst, Ed & Dhel Laurena, Marvin & Libby Montayre, Rachel Steffensmeier

SOLOMON ISLANDS – Colton & Melodie Lee

TINIAN – Roger & Liz Workman

VANUATU – Matthew & Lydia Meads, Levi & Jenn Pitman, Seth & Nicole Stokes


BOTSWANA – Mike & Cindy Haley, Summer Scroggs, Pamela Wieler

CAMEROON – Chris & Laura Sanderlin

CAPE VERDE – Nilza DeCarvalho, Josh & Jenny Kidd

CENTRAL AFRICA REPUBLIC – Donna Bixby & Jonathan’s House

ETHIOPIA – Joshua & Ruth Lovegrove

GHANA – Jonathan & Pearl Adjabeng, Frederick & Antoinette Kearney

IVORY COAST – Josh & Katie Pate, Kristina Premo, Nathan & Hannah Schrock

KENYA – Eric & Lori Bohman, Christine Enoch, Nolan & Janay LeTourneau, Erica Rohman, Ole & Renee Konnerup, Josphat & Emily Yego

LIBERIA – Bruce & Amanda Stuart

SENEGAL – Joshua & Julie Mead

SIERRA LEONE – Shaun & Christin Evans, Mike & Diane Peper

SOUTH AFRICA – Hannah Bennett, Frank & Tori Frausto, Lynette Osborn

TANZANIA – Bill & Tammy Brouwer, Joanne Foltz

UGANDA – Debbie Guimon, Phyllis Hall, Alan & Elena Sutphen, Nate & Sara Wright

ZIMBABWE – Marc & Nancy Blackwell


CAMBODIA – Kevin & Denise Folger, Bunna Khem, John Mark Miraflor, Dan & Gail Powers, Dwight & Gayle Tomlinson

INDIA – Jim Spears

JAPAN – Grace Jackson, Nathan & Ruth Kinoshita, Henry & Celeste Ward, Ethel Wilson

TAIWAN – Dan & Louise Freeman, Andy & Lisa Simpson

THAILAND – Jonathan & Alisa Ballou, Matt & Courtney Jones

SOUTH KOREA – Mike & Jill Ivey, Brandon & Rose Song

Wayne Cooper Portrait

Wayne Cooper

Missions Director

Because Valley Forge Baptist is committed to taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth, missions is a crucial part of our ministry.  As missions director, Wayne draws from his 20 years of pastoral experience to help him mentor young missionaries and oversee a continually expanding missionary program.