Celebrate Easter
with Valley Forge

The Hunt

April 19th at 10am-12pm

This free family event includes balloon animals, a photo booth, the Easter Bunny, Grandpop Bubbles “The Hunt”, and more! This is an event your kids will remember and love!

Three Hunts run Every 30 Minutes:

0-2 years old
3-5 years old
6-10 years old

Good Friday

April 18th at 12pm

This Easter weekend starts with a Good Friday service. Enjoy the service at 12:00 pm with friends and family. Learn about the most famous crucification of all time in a Good Friday message.

Resurrection Sunday

April 20th at 8:30am & 10:30am

Resurrection Sunday is a day to celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Worship Christ through special music and a Bible message. Join us as we worship the risen Savior!