Teenagers in Your Home?
You’ve lived through 2 a.m. feedings, toddler temper tantrums, and the back-to-school blues. So why is the word “teenager” causing you so much anxiety? The teenage years are an intense time of growth, not only physically, but morally and intellectually. Add to that after-school sports, a learner’s permit and a part-time job, and you have the ingredients for the “perfect family storm.” But God’s plan and desire for your family is so much better than the average “teenage rebellion” scenario we read about in many magazines. When a family follows the principles of God’s Word, everyone in the family can experience God’s favor and blessings in their lives – including teenagers and their parents.
However, many homes with teenagers are experiencing great upheaval and conflict. Parents who are worried that their son or daughter is not demonstrating character qualities such as self-control or responsibility tend to pull in the reins. In these relationships, the parents are restricting their teenager’s freedoms while their son or daughter is attempting to spread his or her wings. The result is teenage rebellion and strained relationships with parents.
We parents of teenagers share much in common. We experience pain, joy, heartbreak, and frustration. You are not alone!
You might be the parent of a teenager if…
You have to text your daughter in the next room in order to communicate with her.
Your wife opens her makeup drawer and it’s empty.
You open the refrigerator, and it is also empty.
You actually know what a “grip” is, but you can’t get one.
You haven’t seen the TV remote control since June.
The three most-repeated words in your house are “Clean… Your… Room.”
The next three most-used words in your house are, “Sor… ree… DAD.”
The alarm clock in your teenager’s room serves no useful purpose.
Your bath towels turn up missing and months later are found shoved in a darkened corner under your kid’s bed.
You cannot successfully lift your child’s backpack.
Ready for the Teen Years?
Many kids announce the onset of adolescence with a dramatic change in behavior around their parents. They’re starting to separate from Mom and Dad as they become more independent. At the same time, kids this age are increasingly aware of how others, especially their peers, see them and are desperately trying to fit in. Their peers often become much more important, as compared with their parents, in terms of making decisions. Kids often start “trying on” different looks and identities, and they become very aware of how they differ from their peers, which can result in episodes of distress and conflict with parents. Dads and moms, this is not the time to overreact! This is the time to pray, be patient, and seek the wisdom that God shares in the Word of God. You can join us this fall on Wednesday evenings and receive help, encouragement, and instruction from the principles of God’s Word.
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