
Do you already trust the Bible but want additional “evidence” to bolster your faith, or do you question whether or not the Bible is trustworthy and want to sincerely investigate the matter further? In either case, you’ll find help here.

Why do many intelligent and educated people trust the Bible? What have they discovered? In the depths of your soul, do you want to be a “truster”? Then launch yourself on this investigative journey:

Examine the manuscript evidence for the Bible

How did the Bible come into existence, and how was it passed down to us? How many manuscripts support the reading of the biblical text, are they reliable, and how much time elapsed between the writing of the original and the making of the earliest copies that we have today? Here is a comparison of the Bible and another ancient work.

The works of Plato date back to 400 BC. The earliest copies that still exist date back to 900 AD. That’s a span of 1,300 years, and 7 copies exist. The New Testament dates back to 75–100 AD. The earliest manuscripts that still exist date back to 125 AD. That span of time is only 35 years, and 24,000+ manuscripts exist. The Bible passes the bibliographical test—the manuscripts are reliable copies of the original, with little time-lapse between the original and copies, and attested by numerous extant (still in existence) copies.

Examine the archaeological evidence for the Bible

Far from being a foe, archaeology is a friend whose diggings defend the biblical record: The destruction of Tyre, the crumbling walls of Jericho, the existence of Pontius Pilate, the Hittite civilization, the Bible’s use of “politarchs” to denote the civil authorities of Thessalonica, and so on. The archaeologist’s spade has uncovered numerous sites that pertain to the Bible and innumerable facts that confirm Scripture’s accuracy. Noted archaeologist Dr. William Albright said, “There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament tradition.”

Examine the prophetical evidence in the Bible

Prophecy is often “history before it happens.” Because God is all-knowing, He knows the future, and occasionally He tells us the future before it materializes. This pre-telling often contains specific information as opposed to vague generalities. Examples include the destruction of Sidon and Tyre, the ascendancy of Cyrus to the Persian throne and subsequent actions toward the Jews. Numerous prophecies regarding Jesus Christ include His birthplace, genealogy, triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, betrayal by Judas, death, burial, resurrection, and much more. Prophecies often pre-date their fulfillment by hundreds of years or more.

Understand this: The Bible is trustworthy, yet not everyone will trust it. Trust depends not primarily upon the accuracy and authenticity of the biblical record, but upon the acumen (exceptional discernment) and appetites of the reader. A person recognizes the trustworthiness of Scripture when the Spirit of God convinces him or her that it is true.

1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Seek truth and find God; that’s how it works!

Author: Sam Aylestock

Pastor Aylestock is an Associate Pastor at Valley Forge Baptist Temple. He serves as the College and Career Pastor and oversees building/property management.