
Caring Kids Preschool was established to provide your child a Godly, loving, caring, and stimulating environment. We provide a safe, healthy surrounding concerned staff, in a warm, trusting, home-like setting. Our mission is to provide the emotional security, self-esteem and social and spiritual development of the children in our care, with a strong value system of respect, courtesy and love for one another. At Caring Kids Preschool, we seek to provide every child with a sense of consistency, love, discipline, and joy which will foster the feeling of success, responsibility, and fulfillment. Caring Kids believes every child has the right to develop to his/her fullest potential. We provide an environment that fosters every area of a child’s total development. Our program is designed to meet these goals for children’s spiritual, mental and physical growth. We provide a relaxed atmosphere that invites each child to explore and discover.

At Caring Kids, we care about the child well-being and seek to enhance a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development, so that he/she might gain the full benefit of what he/she is learning. Every child is valued for his/her individuality and uniqueness. We encourage friendly exchanges of emotion between children and promote respectful attitudes for the rights of others. We also realize that each child develops at his/her own pace, so we provide experiences that meet the needs of the individual child. Growth and development are gradual processes that involve all facets of a child’s world. We provide a variety of hands-on learning experiences to help each child’s development. At Caring Kids, we treat children with the dignity and respect they deserve. We give them the attention, affection, and care they need throughout the day, and work, teach, and guide each child in a loving fashion.

At our center, we seek to give children the best possible care, working alongside their parents to help children develop into successful, content, and character filled individuals. We believe that the greatest influence of a child is the example that others set before him/her. We believe that the character of our staff and attitude of our center needs to be positive, dependable, and morally excellent. We expect all staff members to represent good Christian morals and maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. Our goal is that each staff member will set a good example for the children in attitude, speech, and actions. We believe that anything worth doing is worth doing with excellence, and that there could be no more worthy cause than influencing young children to become the best that they can be. We strive to maintain a spirit of excellence in our facilities, curriculum, and staff. We will always remain open-minded to suggestions on how we can improve the quality of our care.

Daily Schedule

7:00–8:20 Arrival / Greetings / Independent Play
Letting the children get acclimated to class and choose activity

8:20–9:15 Free Center Play
Letting the children choose an activity

9:15–9:30 Diapers and Hand Washing
Hygiene and Responsibility

9:30–9:45 Snack
Manners and group conversation

9:45–10:15 Circle time
Bible story, calendar, weather, songs, share time

10:15–10:45 Centers
Sensory: water, sand, play dough, etc.
Fine Motor: puzzles, lacing, blocks, etc.
Computer: various skills, hand-eye coordination
Reading: listening center, books
Language: pre-reading skills
Math: counting, patterns, sorting, etc.
Dramatic Play: pretend play, developing sense of self
Art: independent projects, coloring, finger painting, gluing
Music: singing, movement, rhythm

10:45–11:20 Outdoor / Free center (weather permitting)
Exploring of imaginative and creative play

11:20–12:20 Lunch
Nutrition, manners, group dining conversation

12:20–12:30 Diapers and Hand Washing
Hygiene and Responsibility

12:30–2:45 Nap / Rest
Children nap or rest quietly

2:45–3:00 Diapers and Hand Washing
Hygiene and Responsibility

3:00–3:15 Snack
Manners and group conversation

3:15–4:00 Outside Play
Exploring of imaginative and creative play

4:00–6:00 Discovery Time
Letting children choose an activity

Please visit our website for more information, or call to set up a facility tour.


Author: Editor

Community Connection is an outreach magazine and blog from Valley Forge Baptist to provide relevant and uplifting articles for the families and homes of Collegeville, PA and area residents. Articles are not just from staff but from other community members who’s lives have been touched by Jesus Christ. If we have been an encouragement to you please let us know at info@vfbt.org.