“You need counseling.” Have you ever been told that? Such a statement is sometimes made “tongue in cheek”; in other words, it’s spoken in a demeaning way, when people are contending with one another. These folks are just looking for a way to belittle their opponents by suggesting that their words, thoughts, or actions have “gone off the rails” and they need professional help to get their minds or behavior back on track. This use of the statement can be a condescending or sarcastic way of injuring the person with whom one disagrees in a particular instance.
At other times, someone you know and love may be hurting, confused, or struggling with an area of his or her life, and you sincerely want to help that person, but you feel that it’s beyond your ability or skill set to really get to the bottom of the person’s life situation. So you lovingly suggest, “Would you consider counseling? I think it could really help you deal with your situation.” It’s a much softer and more loving approach and one that may encourage a positive response.
If we’re honest, we’ll agree that there are many times in life when any one of us could benefit from counseling. The activity of counseling simply provides a third-party, objective perspective on the things we face in life. Our need may be for a bit of guidance about a relatively small life issue, such as deciding among two or three good options. Or we might need to get help on a much deeper issue such as a life-dominating addiction or a traumatic event that could include divorce or physical abuse!
With the increasing social, emotional, and financial stresses plaguing our society during the past decade or two, is it any wonder we have an opioid crisis? Is it any wonder that the number of people taking antidepressants or antianxiety medications has skyrocketed during the same time frame? Is it any wonder that people need relief from the increasing pressures of their demanding and fast-paced jobs, the challenges of parenting, the keeping up with their overwhelming domestic schedules, or the constant pressure of paying the bills? With the social and political divide in our country, we’ve become more polarized as a society. There has crept in an underlying sentiment of anger and resentment for those who might have different views and opinions than ours. This situation can affect us all emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically!
Wow! When you really begin to think about it, maybe we do need counseling! Go figure!
As the pastor of family ministries and counseling for the past 20 years, and the founder and director of the Valley Forge Biblical Counseling Center (VFBCC) since its opening in 2011, I’ve seen a growing need for counseling in many areas of people’s lives. VFBCC is a faith-based counseling center to reach our community with a message of hope, help, and healing for the variety of issues mentioned above. We are here in the local community to help and support people of all races, nationalities, and religious backgrounds in their efforts to overcome the increasing variety of adversities and stresses that both our culture and life itself throw at them.
At VFBCC, we are committed to providing the practical message of hope and encouragement to hurting people for whom the church historically has been responsible. What better way to care for the community than to have a counseling center dedicated to the principles of God’s Word as a means of helping people find inner peace and restore hope to their hurting hearts? After all, it was Jesus himself who said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, KJV). VFBCC is committed to just such a compassionate ministry.
Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
If you are dealing with a large or small life issue, may I gently suggest, “Would you consider counseling?” We are here for you! Please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our certified and compassionate counselors! Reach us through our website at www.VFBCC.org. Click on the words “Intake Forms” in the upper right corner of the homepage to get started. If you prefer, you may call the center at 866-828-9667. Allow us to provide caring support for you!
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