You don’t get the acclaim, but being able to give of yourself selflessly where others do not necessarily see it, gives you a sense of joy that God sees it.

Raised in a Christian family, around 4 or 5 years old, Gordon White talked with God. Gordon was pretty up front. He didn’t know God, but he wanted to, and to learn more about Him. It was then that he would accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

As he moved to his teen years, he struggled with his assurance of salvation. He remembers seeing the back of a book with Romans 10:9 on it. The fact that assurance didn’t have to be a complicated thing, made it very clear that he could trust Jesus once and for all, and that was enough for him.

Through his college years Gordon would reach an inflection point. His faith was something that seemed more convenient than anything, and his life reflected that. He felt that being baptized would be how he could personally, fully commit to Jesus. In 2020 during the start of the pandemic, he would do just that. Having completed his bachelor’s degree in business from Liberty University in 2018 he would eventually work for a financial services firm, but felt something was missing.

Gordon always wanted to help people, which led to him being certified as a volunteer firefighter during. He never wanted the spotlight, but if he could be hands on serving others, that’s just where he wanted to be. Sitting behind a desk moving money, was not that.

He always secretly wanted to work for a church, but he didn’t want to disregard all the time and money others had invested in him for his degree. But as a desk job became more isolating during COVID and as dealing with landlords became difficult, in 2022 the situation seemed untenable. As he prepared to marry his wife Julia, he became aware of an opening on the church maintenance team. It seemed like everything fell into place.

To Gordon, it’s not just being involved in a church, but feeling called to a church where he saw people coming to Jesus every Sunday. He doesn’t need other people to see what he’s doing, that’s not the point. Theres a bigger picture and purpose to all of this that he wants to be a part of.