He’s Alive!

Matthew 28:1–3; Mark 16:1–20; Luke 24:1–49; John 20:1–31 Just this week I watched a program that featured an interviewer on the streets of New York who was asking random passersby what holiday was coming up this weekend. More than 50% of the people had no clue. They...

Be Still and Know that He Is God

Mark 14:1; John 12:1; Psalm 46:10; Isaiah 2:11, 17 I recall a time when I was in my early teens working on a farm, and one requirement was to finish bringing in the crop before the forecast rain came. All of us workers began at 6 a.m. and we didn’t stop, other than...

Passion Week Devotional

“Passion Week,” also known as “Holy Week,” refers to the time period from what we call “Palm Sunday” (the day of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem) through “Easter Sunday” (also called “Resurrection Sunday,” the day when Christ rose from the tomb). On Palm...