From Fear to Faith

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36 I was raised in a dysfunctional family with a father who was addicted to alcohol. I lived in fear of him and eventually everything and everyone else. In school, I became a target for...

Is God Fair?

“IT’S NOT FAIR!” you’ll hear people say. Yes, many things in this world are not fair. People ask, “How can God, who loves the world, send people to Hell?” The problem with that question is the premise upon which it is built. In reality, God has not...

Making a House a Home

It was a plain house. The walls were off-white and the furniture was mismatched and worn. Not much insulation, and no indoor plumbing. The outside was no better. It certainly needed repairs and painting. And then there was the landscaping, or should I say lack...