Why I Love My Church!

Literally millions of people in the world can genuinely say, “I love my church!”  These people have experienced the blessing of a church family that loves God, exalts Jesus Christ, and shows love and forgiveness to one another.  It is among this kind of church family...

3 Steps That Lead to a Healthy Relationship

A healthy marriage is one in which you go through the stages of self-discovery and learn to identify your healthy and less-than-healthy expectations. Then you choose to take personal responsibility for your actions and reactions. Finally, you make the commitment to...

What Saved Our Marriage

Sherwood and I met when we attended the same high school. We never graduated with our classmates; we quit high school to get married. I turned 17 in August and we were married in September. In February we had Chip, our first child. That spring we watched from our car...

5 Things Your Pastor Shouldn’t Tell You

GOOD WORKS GET YOU INTO HEAVEN This is one of the most common misconceptions in religion today. So many people believe that if they are good enough – if their good outweighs their bad – they will be allowed into heaven. This is simply not the case. “For by...

Making a House a Home

It was a plain house. The walls were off-white and the furniture was mismatched and worn. Not much insulation, and no indoor plumbing. The outside was no better. It certainly needed repairs and painting. And then there was the landscaping, or should I say lack...