Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

The date on the lower, right-hand side of my PC’s taskbar was staring at me and reminding me that it has been 2,019 years since Jesus Christ was born in human flesh on this earth. Whether you like our dating convention or not, year 2019 does affirm that Jesus Christ...
Cyrus the Great, You, and Your Faith

Cyrus the Great, You, and Your Faith

“Movers and shakers” exist in every nation in every era. They rise to prominence and wield great influence over people. Cyrus the Great was such a man. As founder and ruler of the vast Persian Empire from 539 B.C. until his death in 530 B.C., Cyrus conquered his world...
Can I Trust the Bible?

Can I Trust the Bible?

Do you already trust the Bible but want additional “evidence” to bolster your faith, or do you question whether or not the Bible is trustworthy and want to sincerely investigate the matter further? In either case, you’ll find help here. Why do many intelligent and...
A Remarkable Discovery

A Remarkable Discovery

One of the greatest archaeological discoveries of modern times happened by accident in 1947 when a Bedouin boy threw a stone into a cave’s mouth high on the rock face of a Judean mountain facing the Dead Sea. Startled by the sound of breaking pottery, the boy...
Discipleship 101

Discipleship 101

I’ll call him George. I had never met him before that day. He walked through our church doors one late Sunday afternoon to “catch the evening show” as he called it. George managed a printing press crew that worked through Saturday nights and therefore he slept on...