Glorious Day

Glorious Day

As you look at your life, what are some days that you would consider calling “Glorious Days”? If you think of your time as a student, would it be the day you graduated high school or college? If you think of your single years, would it be the day you fell in love with...
Making Family Memories

Making Family Memories

Instant replays have become old hat. We now expect them in all televised sports. Whether it’s a tennis pro’s impressive backhand or an NBA center’s slam dunk or a heavyweight boxer’s smashing jab, we never have to worry about missing it the...
Experience God Personally

Experience God Personally

If a complete stranger asked if he could borrow your car for a day, you’d probably say no. But if a close friend or relative made the same request you would be inclined to say yes. We can only put our full trust in someone we’ve come to know well. That’s the...
God’s Power on Display

God’s Power on Display

Why Is Easter So Special? Easter is special, but not because little girls get to wear new dresses and children get to go on Easter egg hunts. Easter is special because of the momentous event that occurred early on that Sunday morning a few days after the crucifixion...
Empowered by His Spirit

Empowered by His Spirit

So much confusion and controversy surround the topic of the Holy Spirit. Most people don’t understand who He is. Yet the Word of God describes the Christian’s new best friend as the Holy Spirit of God. In John 14, Jesus told His disciples that He would be leaving the...