Is Your Faith Real?

Has there ever been a time that you doubted your salvation? Have you ever wondered: “Did I say the right words… Did I pray the right prayer… Was I sincere enough?” I asked the Lord to come into my heart at the age of 15 in the fall of 1975. My parents and my brother...

Let God

This can be a great year for you if you “Let God” have His way in your heart and life. The Lord knows how to direct our lives so much better than we do ourselves. Last year I had the opportunity to fly a single-engine plane from Allentown to Collegeville. It was a lot...

Restoring Love in the Blended Family

Many issues arise that are unique and exclusive to blended families. These distinctive challenges usually add extra stress to family relationships and often result in many different kinds of heartaches—outbursts of anger, resentment, jealousy, and parents charged with...